Monday, 26 September 2011

Debriefing questions for lesson professional development

Last week I worked with three teachers to explore a professional learning model using a truncated version of lesson study. The model is called a triad, even though it's a quartet if you include me as facilitator.

The teachers planned a lesson on using metaphors and took turns to teach, observe, reflect and revise as a group

Each time we revised the lesson it got tighter and each teacher had ownership of it, which was referred to as "our lesson".

Below is a list of our debriefing questions
1.    How was the lesson planned?
2.    What worked well with the planning?
3.    What changes would you make for the next planning session?
4.    Was the lesson goal clear?  Were the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria displayed? Did the sequences of learning contribute effectively to achieving the goal?
5.    Was the flow of lesson coherent?
6.    Were the materials helpful in achieving the goal of the lesson?
7.    Was the lesson chunked into digestible bits or episodes?

8.    Was the lesson appropriate for students’ level of understanding?
9.    Did the classroom discussions help promote student understanding?
10. Was the lesson differentiated? If not, how could it be differentiated?