Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Re-reading Marzano's books

I've been thinking a bout classroom management and organising for effective teaching and began re-reading some of Robert Marzano's books, especially on Classroom Instruction that Works. Another book is the Art and Science of Teaching from which these questions came:

What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress and celebrate success?

What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge?

What will I do to help students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge?

What will I do to help students generate and test hypotheses about new knowledge?

What will I do to engage students?

What will I do to establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures?

What will I do to recognize and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures?

What will I do to establish and maintain effective relationships with students?

What will I do to communicate high expectations to all students?

What will I do to develop effective lessons organized into cohesive units?