The school has been awarded two green flags which doesn't mean much to an Australian but is very significant in Scotland.
Susan showed me the documentation that has to be kept to demonstrate the involvement of children and she added that when the committee came to evaluate the school, they spoke at length to students. Obviously if the pupils weren't really involved it would be very obvious.
We walked around the school past the sensory garden which was designed by pupils in collaboration with parents, including a garden designer. The garden is for special needs kids and involves touch, smell, visual and other senses.
There were numerous other areas of great interest which I'll report in another blog.
But it's wonderful to see the results of commitment by a school in giving the kids real responsibility.
G'day Sam,
its 2.05am Sunday morning and I still havent adjusted with the body clock! Laid down on the couch at lunchtime and that was the end of me!
If I fall asleep in class on monday- you'll have to act as a character witness.
Susan Polgar left a comment on the blog- she reads it more than the locals!
Harry was thrilled with his showbag of goodies.
I was educated at this school few years back, and haven't visited it for a has change a lot...for the better!
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