Saturday, 28 May 2011

Literacy Coordinator's role at a P-12school

This afternoon I wrote some notes on my work as Literacy Coordinator at a regional P-12 school and thought there seems to be a lot of things the job requires me to do. In the interests of sharing the information I've listed the role below.
Literacy Coordinator  P-12
Key Role: to lead, coordinate and monitor teachers, students and programs in Literacy Education P-12 in accordance with MEC Strategic Plan. The purpose is to ensure that literacy improvement is a continual focus, so all students can achieve and all teachers can teach to high standards.
Responsible to: Principal
  • Coordinate literacy across the school as a key leadership position
  • Research best practice; use evidence based teaching to identify priorities for development
  •  Develop, review, revise and implement with school staff, a 2-4 year Literacy Plan
  • Review and manage multiple sources of data. Use data to direct teaching and learning resources.
  • Give feedback to show positive, static and negative change 
  • Promote and model best teaching  and learning literacy practice across the school 
  • Assist domain areas to develop effective strategies and resources for improving literacy
  •  Facilitate classroom observation
  • Coach teachers  to use evidence based teaching practices in literacy
  • Contribute to Regional and Network Literacy Coordinator workshops
  •  Present the Regional Modules to staff
  • Provide Professional Learning to enhance quality literacy practices across all domains
  •  Liaise with other Literacy Coordinators in the Network and across Networks
  •  Use the Network Literacy Improvement Officer (NLIO) as a resource to assist with all aspects of Literacy Improvement in the school
  • Be the point of contact for the NLIO to distribute information and resources to staff
  • Oversee classroom literacy programs
  •  Promote literacy in the school and school community
  • Work with year level teachers to plan, monitor and resource literacy programs

1 comment:

risse said...

I am interested in your position as a Literacy Coordinator. Could you please recommend the rescources you use most frequently to help you in your position-websites, books, organizations etc.